Oasis Hub Oldham



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A big welcome the new cohort of ‘Lead On’, Oasis’ Leadership Development Programme, with colleagues from all across the Oasis family! ☀️

We are excited to tackle Module 1 together, focusing on Building the Team and Managing the Individual ✨#leadershiptraining #CPD #OasisUK

POV: you turn up early for the wedding because the road is shut for a bike race.
@BLACKSPOKENZ @BINGOALWB @borahansgrohe @EQKERNPHARMA @Global6Cycling @BritishCycling @INEOSGrenadiers @JUMBOVISMAROAD

Honoured to be invited to speak at the London #Hive2023 @Redthreadyouth event today to give the Greater Manchester perspective on involving communities in preventing violence. Hive = worker bee London Manchester connection 🐝

Please sign this petition, even this week one of our hard working community workers has had appaling treatment, no support from onward homes despite living in dangers conditions, this is real! @OldhamCouncil

Amazing work by Oasis leaders around safeguarding at the NEC academies and schools show. Working together to safeguard our pupils and families. @OasisAcademies

Mrs H-T was asked to speak at the School & Academies show at the NEC, talking about Mental Health and all the significant things we do well @OABlI & @OABLJ. Other regional principals came to support! #family #community @HerminderChanna @OasisAcademies #SAAShow22 @JoyMadeiros

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